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Posts filed under ‘∆ stullig’




Calm-cat – The latest legal high to hit uk shores. While you certainly can smoke calm-cat, its effectiveness varies for different people. When smoked calm-cat effective, its most common effects include warming throughout the body, a general sense of relaxation and calm, and a sense of mild euphoria sometimes accompanied by giddiness. Inhaling calm-cat smoke can also bring on physical sensations of minty coolness, which usually spread from the back of the throat to the upper chest and persist for about two hours. Many people report that calm-cat sedates them and also seems to have anxiolytic action: some users say that smoking calm-cat helps them find calm after a long day and forget about their worries.






Kool Aid



Children, oh children; PLEASE, for the love of Machete, beware of Kool Aid.

It will totally make you go Charlie Sheen with it’s toxic amounts of children-compatible quantum hypercocaine. Even worse, it releases tiny ninja miners who will mine your teeth in order to make Chinese people.

Once depleted, your lack of teeth then leads to a hypernuclear quantumdecay of your personality cloud, splitting it into a mexican wrestler and an emu. You heard right. An emu.

Emu’s are incredibly dangerous. Originally called Emo’s, they officially changed their name in 1998 to distance themselves from obsessively French House addicted paranoid grandmothers who only communicate through elaborate carvings in their wrists.

The emu can only laugh about that. Well, actually he can’t cause he’s an emu. But he would if he had a sense of humour. But he doesn’t. Emus are incredibly sad. So sad in fact, that recent estimations estimate the world’s water supplies to be fully exhausted by 2014 from crying emus. Emus can easily cry up to several thousand litres of meta level Laserfluid on a bad day (which is every day), leading leading scientists to believe that they are responsible for almost every major quantum tsunami over the last 9000 years.

Scientologists are currently trying to develop a means of recycling Emu tears into drinkable water. The emphasis lies on „trying“ since emus cry überuncrackable Hyper Kool Aid which will instantly turn you into a mexican wrestler and an emu. You heard right, an emu.

The Emu was officially ostracized from planet Earth in 2012 but refuses to comply and leave the planet. In order to subdue him at least to some sort of ostracizical punishment, the emu is now often referred to as ostrich. Which makes him sad.

Machete Don’t Text

Machete pigeon

1 Zloty

Macro close-up of polish 1 zloty coin

Benjamin Netanjahü



So much for the Geneva Convention

Would you like that with cheese?


Don’t be a dick. Blame your grandmother.

Modern fairy tales


cuddly little kitties

gotta love the putins

Agitated Chicken



The True Störy of Jesus XI


It’s true, they tested it on Mythbusters

Mother Mary’s Help

Road Dawgs



Wipe that look offa yo face I’m not your bloody pet go love someone else

Endless Potential



Often used to compare other men to. Is said to exist only in the lust-filled imagination of women everywhere.
A kirby is a master of the sexual arts and is an amazing lover. Often citing his 36 orgasm minimum rule, the women who are lucky enough to be with a kirby are always allowed to miss work for a few days of bed-rest from sheer exhaustion.
It is said that a kirby can also make a woman orgasm by merely thinking about her. This is true of course, but he rarely ever does this since the orgasm is often so violent as to cause what people today call ‚earthquakes‘.
His sense of humor is incredible. In fact instead of breaking up with a woman and condemning her to a hellish life without him, a kirby will often make her orgasm while making her laugh. This combination is very lethal. It makes him sad to see her go, but at least she died happy (and satisfied).
A kirby’s intelligence knows no bounds. He knows pretty much everything, and if he doesn’t know something he makes it up, but he knows how to bend space and time to make that which he made up true.

Kirby: The god standard for men.




Strobocat commands you to click it’s picture

The True Störy of Jesus pt.VI

And o, Jesus and the disciples walked to Nazareth, but the trail was blocked by a giant brontosaurus with a splinter in his paw. And o, the disciples did run a-shrieking ‚What a big fucking lizard, Lord.‘ But Jesus was unafraid, and he took the splinter from the brontosaurus‘ paw, and the big lizard became his friend. And Jesus sent him to Scotland where he lived in a Loch for oh so many years, inviting thousands of American tourists to bring their fat fucking families with their fat fucking children and their fat dollar bills in their fatty fucking fingers. And o‘ Scotland did praise the Lord. Thank you, Lord. O Thank you, Lord.

Politically Correct Combat Training


Come ‚ere You


