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Transformer Owl?


Mediocre news everyone!
After recent observations made by the stullig® Laboratories of Speculative™ Sciences©, little doubt is left that an almost forgotten player in the battle for the most acknowledged animal on planet „Earth“ might just be about to lash out once more in the excrutiating battle for the Grand Throne of Three-Dimensional Animosity: The Obsolete Wizard of Luciphistication – or simply: the Owl.

But not just any.

This new prototype of Owl is believed to be concepted by a radical fundamentalist non-religious owl development cult in Owlslamic Waziristan.
Several eye-witnesses stated that „Ptilopsis leucotis“ (scientific name: Transformer Owl) made the impression of being „mighty angry“ when annoyed.
It is unclear to this point wether Transformer Owl will be able to channel it’s agressive Chi into it’s shapeless Chakra of Bureaucracy in order to fight Crime© and Injustice© or wether it will drift down the polygoneutical path of rectitudinous Random® Racism®.

All we can say is: Paper beats rock. And rock beats scissors. But scissors cut paper. And there is NO WELL. There never was. If you ever thought there was, you should consider having a short moment of hurtful shame for your extraordinarily conventional discount-soul.
Believing in the concept of „well“ in rock-scissors-paper instantly overwrites your soul with misanthropic quantum zeroes, forfeights your right to compile and irreversably moves your conscience to trash, as your whole system is reformatted to „waste of reality“.

If it was up to us, also all your mana would go to the Monsantor graveyard of soul-besmearing eurodeath.

But for now, get down in your favourite youtube-position and consume: