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Beware Of A Cat With A Plan


Sigmund „Crack Hoe“ Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939), also known as Dr. Penis, PenisPan!, SickMan Fraud, or simply Penis, was a psychoanalyst, cocaine addict, and a homosexual who lived during the early 20th Penis, I mean Century. He is widely regarded for his theories on the penis…errr…mind, for jump starting the field of penises (Psychoanalysis), and as the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. His most celebrated theory is the notion of Penis Envy and Anal buggery. He believed that all problems in the world stemmed from sexual abuse as a child.

He had 24 children and sexually abused every single one of them—testing whether the experience would pass to the next generation. He was also a close friend and associate of Saddam Hussein and was ordered to be hanged next to him by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

Early in his life, Penis discovered he had a vagina and a sort of laser vision that allowed him to stare into the souls of the unwilling… [MORE]